New mother Liz Hilton resolved to invent a superior swaddle that would be allow the startle reflex and soothe baby to sleep. Hilton used her company, KNITit, to develop and manufacture her swaddle design – the Swaddelini. Hilton is a 3D knitting expert and used her CNC knitting machines to create the Swaddelini in one single seamless process.
It is engineered with Hug Technology® built into the chest area to give the sensation of a hug all night long. Because this product is 3D knit, it allows babies to move, wiggle and freely experience the startle reflex which is so crucial to brain development. There is an easy access diaper opening at the bottom so the feet stay warm but it still provides easy diaper changing access so there is no need to take the swaddle off during the night.
There are two different tiers of the Swaddelini. The Swaddelini Original is made with a moisture wicking synthetic blend while the Swaddelini Bamboo made from bamboo which helps regulate body temperature in the microclimate.
The Hug Technology® feature was inspired by Hilton’s work creating compression garments for children with lymphedema and cerebral palsy. But of all the features that set the Swaddelini apart, Hilton’s favorite is the escape-proof quality.
Swaddelini has been a life saver when it comes to getting a great night sleep! Thank you!