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infant in a pink swaddle sleep sack

Is the Swaddelini the Best Sleep Sack?

If your baby only sleeps when held and you need a break, then the Swaddelini may be right for you. 

If your baby loves to wiggle and move around while they sleep, then the Swaddelini may be right for you. 

If your baby is rolling over, then the Swaddelini Arms Out may be right for you. 

Why swaddle at all?

When babies are young, they have trouble regulating their temperature. They experience the startle reflex, which can wake them. They can scratch themselves while they sleep.

That's where a sleep sack comes in handy. The Swaddelini is the best swaddle solution to solve these problems. As a light sleep sack, it can help your baby regulate their temperature. With its hug technology, it can soothe your baby when they startle themselves. And, it keeps their arms by their side, preventing that accidental scratch.

Which sleep sack should I buy?

Your baby is unique. Luckily, Swaddelini offers a variety of baby swaddle sleep sacks to meet your baby where they are. If your baby is a newborn, the regular Swaddelini is what they are looking for. If your child is starting rolling, the arms out swaddle can help them sleep while allowing them to roll onto their back.

Infant sleep sacks are a great alternative to wrapping a baby with a blanket like you get from the hospital. But most sleep sacks on the market restrict baby's movement. New research shows that swaddling a baby too tightly around the hips can worsen hip dysplasia. On the other hand, swaddling too loosely could increase suffocation risk.

Additionally, an infant sleep study done by Dr. Heidi Richardson, Dr. Adrian Walker and Dr. Rosemary Horne connected a reduced startle reflex to SIDS.

This is why it is so important that your baby be able to move around when swaddled. We create the Swaddelini using a seamless 3D method. This design lets babies move freely. They can experience their natural Moro reflex and active sleep cycles. 

What makes a swaddle safe?

The good news is, baby sleep sacks can provide a safe sleep environment for infants while providing the soothing benefits of swaddling.

Sleep sacks like the Swaddelini wrap snugly around the chest and arms of babies. This helps to comfort them while still allowing freedom of movement at the hips. This also allows babies to experience the Moro Reflex, or startle reflex. Studies show this is good for their brain development.

Many weighted swaddles restrict this reflex, which has caused concern among the pediatric community. The AAP is considering banning them for their increased risk of asphyxiation.

The AAP recommends using swaddles or sleep sacks that fit snugly around the chest. They should be loose around the hips and allow freedom for the Moro reflex. 

When it comes to safety, comfort, and adaptability, Swaddelini is a great choice! 



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